Notre Dame High School, Inc. | NDHS Guam – Home of the Royals
Sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame • Accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges

Ethan Garcia
Caption: Valedictorian
Year: Class of 2020
As we continue to grow in our newfound independence and adulthood, we must not forget what NDHS and our families have taught us. Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, the foundress of the School Sisters of Notre Dame said this about growth: “All the works of God proceed slowly and in pain; but then, their roots are the sturdier and their flowers the lovelier.” And so while our very last high school semester is not what we envisioned or had hoped for, I believe that this experience has made us step back and focus on what is important, making us stronger and even more determined to take each day and live them with purpose.

Danielle Lee
Caption: Valedictorian
Year: Class of 2019
I have never met teachers as passionate as Notre Dame’s and I’m sure my class can agree that these teachers went beyond academics in caring for us. They mentally and spiritually raised us, continuously assuring us that we can depend on them for issues outside of academics at any point of our lives.

Avianna San Nicolas
Caption: Salutatorian
Year: Class of 2019
On those days your failures will nearly prevent you from moving along with your dreams, but I challenge you all to have courage every day of your life, to persevere in all you do despite any doubts that may fill your mind, remembering this very quote from our Foundress Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger, “All the works of God proceed slowly and in pain but then, their roots are the sturdier and their flowering the lovelier.